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5 Things You Need to Know to Stay Motivated and to Kick Ass at Being your Own Boss
Why do you live a nomadic lifestyle? To be your own boss? To live wherever you want? To dictate what you do every single minute of the day?
For many of us, it’s all of the above…and more.
You, me, and all our nomadic friends enjoy the freedom and power that comes with being location independent.
It’s freaking awesome, Isn’t it?
But (and there’s always a but), you and I know the pains that comes with this lifestyle.
We do it anyway because it’s worth it.
One of those pains is staying motivated. What do we do to maintain our lifestyles? To be able to work anywhere we want? To be our own bosses?
Our guest writer this week, Virginia Villari of enjoytheride.info & wearepartnersincrime.com, gives us 5 strategies to combat this pain. She provides valuable information on how to stay motivated so that we can kick ass at being our own bosses.
Her strategies worked for her. It worked for her circle. Hell, it even worked for us!
So, click the link below, read on, and let these strategies work for you!

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How to Earn Easy Passive Income while Traveling
Want extra cash while you sleep?
Well we got the thing for you…PASSIVE INCOME!
There are many ways you can do this, writing content, affiliate marketing, etc.
On our latest post, we give you several ways of earning passive income (in most cases, with very minimal work possible).
Read on to see and start making extra cash!