All alone in a new city as a digital nomad? Don’t be friend 🙂
What’s the easiest (and totally free-est) way to meet new people as soon as you arrive? You can know literally nothing about where you are or who lives there…and immediately have some cool locals show you the hotspots.

Believe it or not…the easiest way I’ve found is through the Couchsurfing website.
You might be confused believing that this site is for finding a free place to sleep for a couple nights.
Well, that’s true…but it’s much more than that.
You can use the Couchsurfing site to meet up with anyone (usually in their 20’s-30’s). You can have with them a quick drink, no overnight stay necessary. Perfect for me, since I like having my own place (usually Airbnb). However, I don’t wanna be, as Akon would say, “Mr. Lonely” .
Couldn’t tell you how many cool people I’ve met that way, and, it’s funny – a lot of times they insist on buying me drinks or food, even though I tried to say “no”. Oh well, if I must be wined and dined, I suppose I can allow it… 😉
Also, ya never know when you’ll have a random adventure. Guys I literally never met before have taken me to concerts, wine tastings, soccer games (sorry, I mean “football”)…etc. Like in that photo above 😉
So, you want to meet cool locals and have amazing adventures too?!
Yes? Awesome! I’ll show you the exact steps I use to find them on Couchsurfing. I’ll also tell you what I write to hosts on that platform for the best chance of success. Super quick and easy.
Watch this video to learn how I do it, step-by-step.
If you’re looking for ways to travel on the cheap, we have a Free guide to staying for free while you travel. This is a bonus guide that comes with your purchase of Remote Much.
Remote Much is a guide to making money as a digital nomad with 10 money making categories on over 140 pages of tips and insights. The guide plus the 2 bonuses are valued at $69 but you get it for only $19 (an over 70% discount). Click here to get it.